About the Journal

Journal title  : Kadaster: Journal of Land Information Technology
Initials  : Kadaster
Frequency  : 2 issues per year
Prefiks DOI  : 10.31292 crossref3 
Online ISSN  : 3031-9528
Editor In Chief  : Kusmiarto 
Publisher  : Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional (STPN), Yogyakarta

Kadaster serves as a scholarly publication platform catering to researchers engaged in the realm of land information technology. It serves as a wellspring of knowledge for practitioners in the land sector. The journal, with the ISSN number 3031-9528, is poised to consider original contributions that have not undergone prior publication, encompassing research manuscripts and project reports. Scheduled for biannual release, the journal is specifically tailored to address the scholarly community specializing in land information technology as well as professionals within the broader domain of the land sector.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Kadaster: Journal of Land Information Technology
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